Connect Your Existing Storage
You can connect your existing storage bucket to ApexxCloud through our dashboard to use our transformation and CDN capabilities while maintaining your storage.
Dashboard Connection
- Navigate to the Buckets section in your ApexxCloud dashboard
- Click “Create Bucket”
- Enable “Use external bucket (BYOB)”
- Fill in the required details:
- External Bucket Type:
- AWS S3
- Cloudflare R2
- DigitalOcean Spaces
- Access Key
- Secret Access Key
- External Bucket Name
- Region
- External Bucket Type:
We only need read access to your bucket. Make sure you have the necessary permissions set up in your cloud provider.
Once connected:
- Use ApexxCloud’s transformation features and CDN with files in your bucket
- All file operations (upload, delete, etc.) must be done directly through your storage provider
- Original files remain in your bucket
- Transformed versions are managed by ApexxCloud
Example URLs
Original S3 URL:
New ApexxCloud URL (with transformations):
You should use the same object key from your original bucket.
Required Permissions
Your bucket policy must include: