Document Transformations
Transform your documents on-the-fly using our powerful transformation system. This guide explains how to use transformations to convert, compress, and generate thumbnails from your documents.
URL Format
Transformations are applied by adding them to the URL:
For example:
Basic Format
Transformations follow a simple, consistent pattern:
Combining Transformations
Multiple parameters can be combined using commas:
Transformation Categories
Our document transformation system is organized into two main categories:
Format & Compression - Control document format and quality
Thumbnails - Generate document previews
Supported Formats
Input Formats
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- DOCX (Microsoft Word)
- XLSX (Microsoft Excel)
- PPTX (Microsoft PowerPoint)
Output Formats
- Original format (maintain source format)
- PDF (Primary output format)
- DOCX (Microsoft Word)
- XLSX (Microsoft Excel)
- PPTX (Microsoft PowerPoint)
- Image formats for thumbnails (JPG, PNG, WebP, AVIF)